Fake life

Wearing a wide plastic smile, day in and day out,
Even when life’s a messed up file, you’re trotting out.

Using numerous adorning filters, putting on airs,
Concealing your heinous inner, it’s a show mere.

Seeking for more and more, not satisfied with own,
No more vibrant as before, lively on screens known.

Losing the true essence of life, utterly no joy to behold,
Losing yourself in the strife, of keeping up with world.

All this hard work for a few more likes and follows?
From the people unknown, being nothing but hollow.

Being yourself, imperfect and flawed, just as you are,
Keeps you true to yourself, raising yourself to better,
And adored by your dear ones, filling life with colours….

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43 thoughts on “Fake life

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  1. This was really well written. However I think that happiness got from a stranger a world away does not make it any less happy. Sometimes we need all the joy we can get

    Liked by 1 person

      1. But what we are is not one thing, it is ever changing, people are complex beings and sometimes, someone is only truly themselves in the virtual world

        Liked by 1 person

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