An Orison

Oh my little birdie, fly high High into that limitless skyTo well deliver my little pleaTo the Above One, you see?Who has turned a deaf earTo our muddles, seem merePray him, to heal the worldOf all that is to be transformedBurning wrath to be effacedCold hostility to warm embrace This post was written in response... Continue Reading →

Life goes on…..

Under that gold sun, sweating all day longDirecting the truck through city throngsWhen sun sinks below the horizon, alongDarkness swallows, their wearies strongThe nightly custom, a wait so prolongedThe two pals meet to sing of a day so long In narrow cobbled street, under lights' glowUnclear words flowing thru a puff or twoMerry laughter banishes... Continue Reading →

Sands of Time

On the fine sands of time,With bated breath, mine,I stagger, fall, get up fine,With might again, I climb. The dunes beat me off rhyme,All blow against: wind, clime,The inner conscience whines,"Nothing in hands of thine." I grip in my hands, sands fine,The more I fist sands refined,The grains slip, in swift lines,From the weary hands... Continue Reading →

Touching cotton clouds white…

To touch those cotton clouds white, In colourful balloon, I'll fly high, I'll reach the heights, infinite. In it's shelter, the sun smiles bright, In the sky above my dreams afloat lie, To touch those cotton clouds white. Hangs about my heart, a little fright, It's outstared, with courage's eye, I'll reach the heights, infinite.... Continue Reading →

Carefree bird

Dancing her spirits out, it's not a show, Completely lost like, there's no tomorrow. Under the sprinkling waters, that blow, Straight, dare head into the sky, and flow. Washing away her bottomless sorrows, Bidding them adieu to endless morrows. The world around stares and follows, But their thoughts, she wouldn't borrow. Rejoicing in symmetry too,... Continue Reading →

Love notes

The threads of love they wove... Two hearts always beating as one, Often defining their true love, In colourful notes, neatly done, Decorating their love board above. All their deep feelings that run... At times, "Love is love is love!" Other, "Love is light", well spun! Another one , "Where there is love, There is... Continue Reading →


Beware! I'm not what I seem! These mere shows of dross, All this glow, this fancy facade, Engulfs the deep darkness within. Beware! This glistening body, Pleasing outside it beholds, Shelters a vile, crushing soul, That crouches and weeps within. Beware! A constant fight persists, Tween my angels and fiends, Eternal struggle, sufferance lies. Body... Continue Reading →

Dearth of Nobility

Mamma and baby's day out, Clung to mamma's belly, stout. She jumps from tree to other, Baby clutches her tight further. She moved with utmost agility, Found bananas caged, near a tree. Grasped the bananas, little scared, Senses awake, she's being snared. She forces tiny baby out before, Urging baby to move fast, forth. The... Continue Reading →

Mischievous Mousey

She mischievously popped into that basket near the billing counter and secretly donned her spectacles and began checking the prices of animal food items, closely and called out to her chum, "Honey, look at the soaring prices of food items", her face all shriveled. She went on, "How are we suppose to survive?.", letting out... Continue Reading →

The “Hardest” Climb

In his youth, full of bright fantasies, He took to climbing the "hardest" climb, In search of the "Immortality Potion", Narrated by the true, ancientĀ  manuscripts. He climbed the mountains unheard of, Full of dense forests shielding the wild, Steep, thorny paths, making him give up, But being headstrong, he wouldn't budge. Months of load,... Continue Reading →

Longing for Freedom

(Set in 19th century) Leaving her pet humming bird free, she said, "Today I free you from this caged life, you are free to fly wherever you long to, far and wide. You are free to sing to your heart's content. I've realized how you felt, only after realizing that I myself am shut in... Continue Reading →

Fake life

Wearing a wide plastic smile, day in and day out, Even when life's a messed up file, you'reĀ trotting out. Using numerous adorning filters, putting on airs, Concealing your heinous inner, it's a show mere. Seeking for more and more, not satisfied with own, No more vibrant as before, lively on screens known. Losing the true... Continue Reading →

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